I will be speaking at the next
ANDA Coin, Banknote and Stamp Show being held at the Caulfield Racecourse, Concourse Ground Level, Caulfield, Melbourne on 3rd and 4th July.
While my talk will be aimed at newbies, I will be holding an unofficial "masterclass" Q&A session on Saturday at 1pm after my talk, primarily for members of www.silverstackers.com but it is open to all. ANDA show details below.
Saturday 3 July
11.00am – Bron Suchecki - ‘Options for Bullion Investment’
2.00pm – Mark van der Sluys - ‘Gold as Money’ and ‘The role of Gold in an Investment Portfolio’
Sunday 4 July
11.00am – Andrew Crellin - ‘Trading Coins for Wealth’
1.00pm – Bron Suchecki - ‘Options for Bullion Investment’
3.00pm – Rob Jackman - ‘Investing in Rare Coin & Bank Notes’
Mark van der Sluys – ‘Gold as Money’ and ‘The role of Gold in an Investment Portfolio’ – Economic and monetary historian and CEO of BULLIONMARK, Mark van der Sluys, will present a, not to be missed, two part presentation covering the subject of ‘Gold as Money’ and ‘The Role of Gold in an investment portfolio’. Important insights that are central to protecting and growing your wealth.
Bron Suchecki – ‘Options for Bullion Investment’ – Perth Mint Senior Analyst Bron Suchecki will present a one hour information session on the variety of ways you can buy gold and silver including coins and bars, certificate programs, storage options and even via the Australian Stock Exchange.
Andrew Crellin - ‘Trading Coins for Wealth’ – Andrew Crellin, Managing Director of Sterling & Currency and industry renowned author, will provide an introduction to his next book titled “Trading Coins For Wealth”, written to give an insight into how successful collectors approach their craft.
Rob Jackman – ‘Investing in Rare Coin & Bank Notes’ – Rob Jackman, Managing Director of The Rare Coin Company, will give investors the benefit of his 26 years experience in the industry with a presentation on the intricacies of Investing in Rare Coins and Bank Notes for private investment portfolios.