In November last year I posted on some physical redemption from the Sprott gold and pt/pd funds. Since then there have been some more beefy redemptions, which is related to the fact that these two fund (and not the silver one PSLV) are trading at a discount - as I said in November, "as long as it continues to trade at a discount we should continue to see these redemptions."
Date | Gold (PHYS) | Platinum (SPPP) | Palladium (SPPP) |
Jul 2nd | 400 | | |
Aug 1st | 8,354 | | |
Sep 3rd | 12,500 | | |
Oct 1st | | 104 | 236 |
Nov 1st | 17,260 | 280 | 660 |
Dec 2nd | 19,200 | | |
Jan 1st | 83,890 | 1,966 | 4,493 |
Feb 2nd | 91,680 | 5,565 | 12,712 |
Total | 233,284 | 7,915 | 18,101 |
% since July 2013 | 14.4% | 9.6% | 9.6% |